Dear Republican Club Members,
We had a good meeting last Tuesday at Cerritos Park East. Our speaker was Chuong Vo, a longtime club member and current Mayor Pro Tempore of Cerritos. Chuong updated us on public safety items and was kind enough to answer our members’ questions. We introduced our elected officers and committee chairpersons and I apologize for overlooking Board member At-Large Lew Gentiluomo. We heard as well from City council candidates Jennifer Hong, Rocky Pavone, Adrian Ayub and Sophia Tse (NPP).
I’m happy to report that our club’s status as an “A Group” with the City of Cerritos has been renewed for 2025. This status allows us to have our meetings (which we hold on the second Tuesday of each month) at city facilities. We now have a room reserved at Liberty Park (Studebaker Road between South St. and 195th St.) for 6-8 PM for each of the following dates: February 11, March 11, April 8, May 13 and June 10 of this year. Our July 8, 2025, meeting (our traditional Summer Barbeque) will be 6:30-8 PM at Shelter 1, Cerritos Park East (166th St, between Shoemaker and Carmenita). As we are allowed to reserve only six months in advance and take August off from monthly meetings, our remaining September through December 2025 venues will be provided at a later time.
Many of you have inquired about endorsements for City Council candidates. Our Endorsement Committee has been formed. Its recommendations, appropriate discussions and votes by members will be handled at a special meeting. Our club By-Laws require a five day advance notice to members, and we are seeking a meeting venue. Once this is established, members will be notified.
Tomorrow, our nation will once more inaugurate a new President. Donald J. Trump will take the oath of office as 47th President of the United States of America- in part because of the support from people like you. I’m sure many of you will be watching this event, as I will as well. These are exciting times, with tremendous potential for our country to become stronger, better and greater than ever before. I urge all of you to continue your activity as Republicans and keep our leaders from our local, state and Federal government in your prayers.
Sam Pedace
President, Cerritos Republican Club
Dear Republican Club Members,
Happy New Year, everyone! I hope all of you had a great time over the holidays. My wife and I were blessed to have family and friends joining us throughout in celebrating. Now, let’s talk about where we’ve been as a club and what we have ahead.
I began serving as Club Vice-President when I was sworn in at our 2022 Christmas Dinner. My role was mostly showing up to meetings, assisting prep for special events and calling to remind members of club meetings. When our President Dean Grose suffered illness and could no longer serve, I stepped up to take over. I’ve had excellent support from our Club’s two Grand Dames Joan Pylman and Dixie Primosch. Our Committee Chairs and our regular members, too many to mention here, have also generously shared their advice along with their time, talent, and treasure. Many of them have done so for many years, and I am indebted to them. Our 2024 successes are due to them.
As for the bumps in the road, well, as Harry Truman’s desktop sign said, “…the buck stops here.” If I may share a bit, I’m no Luddite; I started working on computers back in 1977 at Cerritos College and continued using them for my entire working career. I must confess however, that, outside of the workplace, I didn’t pay much attention to tech or social media. In my world, phones were for talking, pen and paper were for writing communications, and an electronic message meant a TV commercial. I got a PC at age 41 and managed to avoid cell phones until age 44. For quite a while, I was a bit of a digital recluse. I promise to remedy that. You will see regular posts on this website for the duration of my term as your Club President.
Our next meeting will be at Cerritos Park East at 6PM Tuesday, January 14. With city elections ahead, we have an Endorsement Committee and are scheduling meetings with candidates. More details will be shared as available. Meanwhile, feel free to text me at 562-619-5783 with any questions or concerns.
Nationally, we made a U-turn back toward conservative values last November. Thanks to you and other folks like you, things are changing for the better. Our club calls a beautiful city home, and conservatives in neighboring communities are looking to our Club for support. We still have a county and a state to straighten out. As we strive toward these goals, I look forward to working alongside you and to serving you in 2025.
Sam Pedace
President, Cerritos Republican Club