For candidates seeking CRC endorsement

Per Section 2 of the Standing Rules, the Cerritos Republican Club, a Political Action Committee, has instituted a five-step protocol for vetting and endorsing Republican candidates seeking a local political office.

Step One: The candidate shall inform a member of the CRC Board of Directors that he/she is interested in an endorsement from the Club.

Step Two: The Board will send an Endorsement Application to the candidate.

Step Three: Once the application is returned to the Board, an in-person interview appointment will be set up.

Step Four: The Board, as a review committee, will make a recommendation to the general membership at the next calendarized meeting, to which the candidates will be invited. Notice of an endorsement agenda item must be given to the entire Club membership no less than five days prior to the meeting.

Step Five: At the meeting, the candidates will be given the opportunity to present their case for endorsement and answer questions from the audience. After which, the candidates will be excused from the room, and a ballot vote will be held to determine to whom the endorsement(s) will go (Per the CRC By-laws). At the Closed Session (excluding candidates) whereupon only the CRC members in good standing [New members must have joined CRC at least fifty days before an endorsement vote. Renewing members must have their dues paid by the general meeting a minimum of thirty days before the endorsement meeting.] will be allowed to vote by ballot for those candidates they prefer to endorse. The CRC will endorse only the number of candidates that there are open seats to be elected. Per ByLaws Section 11.2, endorsement shall require a two-thirds vote of the members in attendance.

In addition to receiving the official endorsement, the membership may also confer monetary support in an amount agreed upon by a motion and majority vote.

The outcome of the Closed Session will be announced at the re-convening of the general meeting.